Then you forgive... ~ B


SoulSupply has at irregular intervals encouraged readers to pursue spiritual heroes. Christians such as Hudson Taylor or J.O. Fraser are but two.

Today is a new one:

Thirteen year old MARIAN FISHER was an unknown candidate until a gunman launched himself into her small classroom. (Please see Then you forgive... ~A)

Christian author Ben Witherington concluded a 'eulogy' to Marian a week after her murder, it is below:

I stand with Jesus. But, revenge and retaliation come natural to fallen human beings. Forgiveness however comes from God. It is supernatural and transforms both the forgiver and the forgiven. The story of MARIAN FISHER will stay with me a long time.

This world is run by a God who died on the Cross for me. He shouted out with His dying breath - "Father forgive them for they know not what they do." If we could only see with Jesus' eyes, we would know that suffering love and forgiveness heals this world.

May the memory of MARIAN FISHER be seared into our hearts until we meet our Lord. Marian's life is as a portrait of Jesus.

A Christian will find it cheaper to pardon than to resent. Forgiveness saves us the expense of anger and the cost of hatred. ~ anon

The Last Word:

There is no revenge sweeter or safer than forgiveness.