Why Does God Tarry?

God is famous for both waiting on man and man waiting upon Him.

Time is completely irrelevant to God - He made it!

To Him, a day is but a thousand years and a thousand years but a day.

So are you still waiting upon God for a rescue, a promise or even a restoration?

Does God really tarry for you?

Waiting is coming to terms with His terms for your life. It is the patience and self-control to permit Him to lead your life His way.

God can no more be hurried than you can draw breath without His permission.

All things await an appointed time.

Please don't misunderstand this. Waiting... is an active trust in God to provide fulfillment in His perfect timing... ~ C.J.Mahaney

There is an abundance of divine grace in waiting. This grace provides the seat for stillness upon earth.

In waiting strength is regained, it is not expended.

Waiting is not about God's silence but always about God's goodness.

Yet the Lord longs to be gracious to you; therefore He will rise up to show you compassion. For the Lord is a God of justice. Blessed are all those who wait upon Him. (Isaiah 30:18)

Waiting is a divinely appointed season of favor.

Today's Soul Snippet:

"Your heart is completely transparent before the Lord and still He loves you." ~ Michael Cartwright

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