Just As I Am!#

September 22, 1871 witnessed an elderly British lady, 82 years young, ushered into her heavenly reward.
September 22, 1871 witnessed an elderly British lady, 82 years young, ushered into her heavenly reward.
As for me, I have grown rather sick of this world and all the pleasures it offers. They are temporary and usually go as quick as they came.
The church in Laodicea had problems, massive problems. Jesus assessed it as lukewarm and under false impressions. They had locked Him out.
The power of persevering in faith in the face of fiery, unyielding opposition can't be understated.
Let me ask you a question please: when have you questioned yourself prior to a decision - will this please Jesus? There exists no easy path to life, whether Christian (or non-Christian),...
Jesus calls His disciples to pick-up His lot, that is, the lot of a condemned man.
Jesus is either irresistible or invisible to mankind. All men are equal in Jesus' eyes.
The Bible will not fail you, nor will it lead you into error. The following three verses cast the brightest beams or the blackest shadows across all men. .
Conformity to the world is sure to end badly sooner or later, to the man himself it is injurious and to his family ruinous.
Jonah now learns how to bend the knee even in the belly of a monstrous fish. In my distress I called to the Lord, and He answered me.
Jonah was mighty soon to become jetsam. Distress counseled a low heart to obey. Jonah was soon to learn to not forfeit grace. Murmurs of grace multiply.
Jonah's mission was without precedence. It published murmurs of grace to the world of the Ancient Near East, to be developed at the Cross. Even gentiles can be saved.
An ancient Christian saying goes like this: this world is heading to hell in a hand-basket! Christian's live today knowing there is a sure and good tomorrow, largely the world does not....
Isn't it humiliating to be told that you must come to Jesus! Think of the things about which you will not come to Jesus.
Out of the overflow of the Divine heart love is poured, but this is not His gospel. The gospel is caused by love, but love is not its fabric.
There are two measuring instruments that have similar names but different functions. One is a thermometer: it reflects its environment, telling you how hot or cold it is.
#Today's SoulSnack was penned by a subscriber in 1958 as he was finishing school. This is received with thanks.
A man is known by the friends he keeps, and the words he speaks.
In 1998 the British crime thriller Lock, Stock and Two Smoking Barrels launched the careers of Vinnie Jones and Jason Statham to the world.
The truth these days is scrubbed out. Each day it is further tortured until it agrees to anything at all, and is thus comfortable for almost everyone.
But when the Pharisees heard this, they said, “It is only by Beelzebul, the prince of demons, that this fellow drives out demons.
Each New Year we open a fresh book, its pages are blank. These pages beckon our thoughts, ways and decisions to fill them in.
Dusted by an ancient breeze, an eager band of twelve new disciples gathered around Jesus. A deliberate Jesus instructed this raw troupe how to begin and conduct missions.
After the wind there came an earthquake, after the earthquake there came a fire, and after the fire there came a gentle whisper. (See 1 Kings 19:11-12).
The year was 1925, the setting was the Belgian Congo.
To read the title 'Count' conjures images of the Muppets Count Dracula. Yet, Nikolaus Ludwig von Zinzendorf (1700-1760) does not fit such a caricature.
James Outram Fraser (1886-1938) was a man of sure and deep prayer. He joined Hudson Taylor's China Inland Mission.
Charles Thomas Studd (1860-1931) joined the China Inland Mission as part of a remarkable band of recruits, called The Cambridge Seven.
Was Hudson Taylor (1832-1905) truly a man after Jesus' own heart, seeking only His Lord's interests first? At 21 sailed from England on a slow boat to China.
Amidst an abiding discontent born of fruitlessness on January 4, 1906 James Outtram Fraser, missioner to the Lisu peoples wrote in his diary: I do not intend to be one of...
It is not popular to imagine that mankind is sinful, let alone too they are sinners in the hands of an angry God.
Recently the heavens had been so strange, so dark, so concealed and so empty.
The days of our fragile, mortal coil become more sinister. An increase of darkness descends upon mankind.
It is impossible to omit mention from the pages of SoulSupply the passing of a man so willingly and powerfully used by God, maybe even above all men (except Jesus)? To my...
Languished long in empty service? Sown for an eternity among thorns? Lamented visible loss, and the failure to birth spiritual sons and daughters? Relationship with Jesus is God's divine fertilizer in all Christian...
On the seventh day God rested. Well - did He really, for how long? This restless Father can no more leave His child in sin than deny Himself.
A Christian's soul battles his heart. His soul suggests righteousness while his heart stresses indulgence. Hudson Taylor held tightly to his soul's suggestions.
In the winter of 1935, the United States reeled from the throes of the Great Depression. Fiorello La Guardia presided as New York's mayor during those dark days.
Don't drag the flag of God in the earth! Put it up and don't bring shame upon it! Set your face like a soldier to overcome.
In February this year the gruesome beheadings of 21 young Egyptian Christians in Libya presented a sober opportunity for the Gospel in Egypt, where Christians and Muslims became united in...
We very often believe that in order to serve others, to share the good news of Jesus, we need to become powerful in an earthly sense.
The Highway of Holiness is trod by the weak and walked by the feeble. The proud, the strong and the self-made know not of its existence.
SoulSnack 133/14 . . . A sad young Muslim girl stood outside the doorway of a Filipino church longing for the love and joy displayed by those inside.
It is now becoming far less rare for SoulSupply to weigh in on the world Christians are exposed to. (You may recall last year's series - 'The Sexual Avenger'.
Soul Snack 67/14 . . . With head-bowed the young man shuffled onto the stage.
Soul Snack 124/13 . . . How to speak the truth in love? Recently I stumbled upon the most politically incorrect Christian blog* I have ever read.
Soul Snack 183/12 . . . Heaven's Billboard - B (This SoulSnack is sequential to Heaven's Billboard -A) Kevin Malarkey is wrestling with his Christian supernatural sense of life.
Soul Snack 96/11 . . . Of Saints and Scoffers Those who disbelieve petrify their disbelief.
Soul Snack 8/140 . . . The SentinelThis sun-baked cream sentinel sat, worthy in both position and status.
Soul Snack 8/183 . . . God's Agents Correct self-perception is an intelligence to be highly desired and wisely acquired. Self ignorance is to be disdained.
Soul Snack 8/74 . . . Christ's Candles Constrained in giving, equipped for receiving! Surely this is the hidden motto of the '. . .
Soul Snack 8/71 . . . Heaven's Vanguard - C At the vanguard of warfare two decades ago was stealth technology.
Soul Snack 8/69 . . . Heaven's Vanguard - A The 'advance guard' speaks loudly of eliteness. Only the best, the highly skilled and the brightest are sent ahead.