Category: Pure Love

Love's Record

Love's Record

How does love conquer time? How is love recorded beyond any man's mortal coil? A life is captured for the next generation/s by its legacies.

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True Life#

True Life#

True living begins with seeing ourselves as we are and not as we should be.   The son got up and went to his father.

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The 8 Shades of St Valentine!

The 8 Shades of St Valentine!

  From Wales to Washington, from Manila to Moldova Valentine's Day steals hearts and lights souls. Valentine's Day enters the calendar from the earliest Christian traditions.

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Label Me your 'LOVER'!

Label Me your 'LOVER'!

And the good Lord would say to those willing to stop and to listen: Label Me as your 'lover'. I AM the ONLY righteous lover to mankind.

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JESUS - meek & mild!

JESUS - meek & mild!

Jesus cares for sheep, especially the lonely and lost ones. Satan sees Jesus as his competitor for the weak and lost sheep. Jesus and satan are complete opposites.

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When Love is Essential!

When Love is Essential!

At a terrifying rate faithfulness is abandoned, and obedience jettisoned. The proposition for obedience is uncomplicated, no higher intellect required: I direct my life or He does.

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Jesus' Edge

Jesus' Edge

Where is the soft spirit, the quiet eyes or the easy touch of warm support? Scanning the tabloids, listening to the daily news or watching soul-numbing sitcoms there appears little room...

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Moved by Manning

Moved by Manning

Dishevelled, distressed and stupefied may have been what any common passerby saw of Brennan Manning at various times; yet this man through his worst wit's ends would bring many others...

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The Records of Love

The Records of Love

  How does love conquer time? How is love recorded beyond any man's mortal coil? A life is captured for the next generation by its legacies.

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Without Love...#

Without Love...#

Every now and then my memory plays a cameo lesson to me, a clever reminder for that day. This makes me surprised, yet also quite happy. Enjoy this sample.

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Intimacy Gained

Intimacy Gained

Intimacy and busyness are rarely wed, they are unnatural partners. The following tale has often been repeated:  .

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The Wisdom of Foolishness

The Wisdom of Foolishness

To the western-world of individualism that elevates personal rights and a mono-identity, it becomes a rabid foolishness to release personal rights and seek your identity by union with another.

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Turning Trash To Treasure

Turning Trash To Treasure

There is a chameleon-like Old Testament prophecy - Zechariah! Judgment, justice and victory are spoken of by God through Zechariah. This book opens and closes with His tenderness.

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Above the Tags, Bags & Rags

Above the Tags, Bags & Rags

Christmas purchases account for 1/6th of all annual retail sales in the U. S. Masses of devotees are dedicated to addictive shopping. It is largely devoid of any teamwork.

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Unshaken Love

Unshaken Love

The ancient Greeks and Romans (among too many other 'societies') practised the chilling, abominable habit of exposing 'unacceptable' new-borns.

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Done With Church?

Done With Church?

Are you done with church but not with Jesus? Has church become less than civilised for your spirit as well as your soul? Does the shepherd scatter the flock; do the sheep...

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That Penny of Love

That Penny of Love

The Lord knows all our needs whether we advise Him or not. He has known them forever. Without question the greatest gift of all time is God's love.

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Forever I Would Choose You

Forever I Would Choose You

What else can I gather, who else can I know but You? Apart from You I am empty, in Your absence I thirst As your right hand rests lightly upon me, in...

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Reaching for Love

Reaching for Love

Love builds resilience. When love is weak or absent so too is vigor. Love is water to the soul and nurture is peace to the spirit.

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6 Ways of Kindness

6 Ways of Kindness

Surely goodness and mercy will warm the kind soul all the days of their life?  Kindness in words create grace. Kindness in thought creates depth.

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Alone & In Love

Alone & In Love

Lovers do not care to share their lover. The heart in love yearns to give to, and share their lover's full attention.

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Love is Life's Summit

Love is Life's Summit

Hearts are melted, hearts are worn, heart are soothed or hearts are torn. Love can be as constructive as its loss can be destructive.

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Love Whispers

Love Whispers

Love is kind. Patience is its delight. Humility is its milk of care. Lust is a bully. It screams and yells. Demands and commands - yet love won't.

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The Shape of True Love

The Shape of True Love

Three centuries ago the firebrand pulpiteer Jonathon Edwards melted pride and chastened souls with his timeless sermon - Sinners in the Hands of an angry God.

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Love is Safe

Love is Safe

Headlong the unattended infant ran into an oncoming Toyota. He had played happily alone for some time on a grass verge.

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God the Diamond

God the Diamond

Once upon a time (about three centuries ago really) the firebrand pulpiteer Jonathon Edwards melted pride and chastened souls with his timeless sermon - Sinners in the hands of an...

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Maturing in Tenderness

Maturing in Tenderness

To mature in tenderness - is this even conceivable? Have you ever registered another's unspoken plea for tenderness or peered into torn eyes? Or just maybe you have hungered for tenderness as a...

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Imagining Love

Imagining Love

My religion, my music, my spirit, and even my childhood all confirm that within life upon this planet: love is earned.

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An Anthem for the Undone

An Anthem for the Undone

A divine anthem for the forlorn, the frail and the fallen from He who was undone first - permit these love-filled truths to wash over your soul and water your...

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The Journey to Love

The Journey to Love

God's intentions for life were that it should be a journey with love. Countless people have lived otherwise and continue to do so.

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The Bellow of Blood

The Bellow of Blood

Have you ever heard the bellow of blood? Blood screams for satisfaction, it flows for vengeance and demands justice. Yet the bellow of Christ's blood is love NOT retribution.

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How to Truly Love!

How to Truly Love!

Jesus would project these love truths daily upon your mind's eyes given opportunity: Love is looking into your eyes and seeing your heart. Your happiness is my happiness .

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The Sunshine of Love

The Sunshine of Love

Soul Snack 150/14 . . . Circa 1967 Eric Clapton strummed The Sunshine of Your Love, countless more worldwide have since joined the chorus.

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The Harbor of Refuge


Who holds the salve when the heart thumps and the spirit aches? Where is there a harbor of refuge for those lost to love? Where is the safe haven for the love...

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The Futilty Gods


SoulSnack 19/14 . . . So much of what was presented to me as real in bygone days, I now see as fictitious.

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The Cry for Love


SOUL SNACK 129/13 . . . The Cry for Love To grasp God as love is to lay hold of His eternally good intentions.

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How to empty hell


Soul Snack  92/13 . . . How to empty hell! Where anger is healthy resentments are bred. Where rejection is delivered withdrawal is chosen. Where authoritarianism rules, rebellion rises.

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Learning Love


Soul Snack 53/13 . . .  Learning Love For those whom love has lost. . . For those who live in love's absence. . .

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The Love Comp


Soul Snack 45/13 . . .  The Love Comp Love has its competitors. There is always competition for the heart.

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Of Judaism & Islam


Soul Snack 221/12 . . . Of Judaism & Islam There is no such thing as legislated love. Love can no more be enforced than faith can be robbed.

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Trusting in Love


Soul Snack 36/12 . . . Trusting in Love If the knowledge of God cascades your entire being it will also flood your heart.

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The Liberty of Love


Soul Snack 10/12 . . . The Liberty of Love Canopying western society is a marketplace that daily indoctrinates self-dissatisfaction for its own greedy ends.

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Private Love


Soul Snack 187/11 . . . Private Love There is healing in love. All souls need love and almost all need healing to various degrees.

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Soul Snack 183/11 . . . Libertas I can swear there ain't no heaven but I pray there ain't no hell.

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An Addicted Jesus


Soul Snack 88/11 . . . An Addicted Jesus Extravagant (and errant) lifestyles are injected into our attention daily.

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As I've matured


Soul Snack 85/11 . . . As I've Matured   I've learned that no matter how much I care, some people just don't get it.

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Blind Rule Keeping


Soul Snack 11/11 . . . Blind Rule Keeping For thirty-eight years, humiliation and discomfort had been this man's lot.

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Lingering Love - B


Soul Snack 131/10 . . . Lingering Love - BRecently I read this definition of love: . . . meeting the needs of another, sometimes at cost to ourselves.

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Lingering Love - A


Soul Snack 130/10 . . . Lingering Love - A Love endows goodwill and grace as the immovable sealant to relationship.

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Unearthly love


Soul Snack 96/10 . . . Unearthly love The display of unearthly love awaits all. It is available to the seeker. It is reached by the penitent.

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An asymmetrical world


Soul Snack 76/10 . . . An asymmetrical world. The symmetry of creation is perfectly centred upon an unadulterated, unadorned and authentic life-giving love.

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Living and Loving!


Soul Snack 9/218 . . . Living and Loving! Usually my mind is mightily consumed by the simple facts of living and planning.

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Heaven's Scalpel!


Soul Snack 9/200 . . . Heaven's Scalpel! Shrouded in the ghosts of her past, the present was crippled and the future bleak. Ghosts aren't fine travelling companions.

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Pure Love


Soul Snack 165/11 . . . Pure Love To the hollow, the hapless and the hurting . . .

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Heaven's "Hold"


Soul Snack 8/7 . . . Heaven's HoldWhen I said, "My foot is slipping," your love, O LORD, supported me. . .

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